The Transition Periods

If Destiny goals are to be realized, there will be difficult periods of transition necessary between now and fifty years from now. Likely beyond that period as well. The coming "Responsibility" and "Topics for Action" chapters and the Destiny Appendix articles discuss major changes in nearly all facets of our lives that are, in some cases, temporary, and in others, permanent. At least within the limitations of my knowledge. Many of those changes are to take place within the next twenty years, which will be our most difficult and initial transition period. We will now look at the implications of the change process within that transition period.

First and foremost, Destiny ultimately demands distributed power and individual empowerment as we work to achieve our goal to become a superior species. However, there are interim steps necessary to assure that we overcome our current harmful practices, and some of those steps will appear to be the direct opposite of the goal. For example, how can population control be viewed as an empowerment? How can additional or new legislation be shown to be liberating? If we sacrifice national self-interest on behalf of global growth, will we not suffer? Can we know that our sacrifices will result in great success for all of us?

None of these questions should be taken lightly, for no rational person will willingly accept more rules and regulations without an obvious objective, endpoint and guaranteed performance checks and balances. This means that all of the coming recommendations within the "Responsibility" and "Topics for Action" chapters need first to be combined into a chronological sequence and then expanded regarding the methods, the measurement of progress and the application of mid-term corrections as required.

I could proceed to outline the sequence and the methods to guarantee performance according to my understanding. If I did, I would be limiting your opportunity to contribute to that effort. Even more important is the fact that we simply need the knowledgeable help of those whose topic specific experience exceeds my own. Thus, I can, for the most part, conceive of what we need to do for the most important or essential changes, but I would be foolish to assume implementation knowledge beyond my present limits.

When you have completed reading Destiny, I strongly hope that you will take time to consider all the implications contained within it. Next, I want you to ask whatever questions occur to you that were not answered sufficiently within Destiny. Then, I hope that you will decide to join forces with other likeminded people to help develop our future. For my part, I intend to respond to classes of questions by extending Destiny concepts by writing articles pertinent to current events. I intend to use my pseudonym as a privacy medium and I intend to identify essential actions to realize Destiny and critical dangers to progress.

I do expect to receive various types of criticisms, and that is perfectly okay, provided they are constructive criticisms. I will not, however, respond to hate mail or direct attacks regarding my intent. My role is to assure that Destiny is the best comprehensive and actionable plan we can have for our development, so I am actively soliciting your input towards that goal.

If we are effective during the next 20 years, we will set the stage for our physical extension of life and then our global increase in mental prowess. And both of these changes are so compellingly powerful that we have every reason to believe in the value of temporary sacrifice. Moreover, the changes can be rationally expected to occur. Destiny is not limited by the human limits that undermined earlier humanitarian ideals. We can now see physical proof of our growing abilities to enhance humans in all respects. The implications are stunning and the foundation for great hope.