
As defined in the Summary Acknowledgements and Thoughts chapter, I elected to provide only a partial list of the references and individuals and other sources that, as a whole, have provided me some of the background to write Destiny. That list was provided in that chapter. My only direct quotes within Destiny were Karl Marx in The German Ideology and Henry David Thoreau's statement on page 222 of Walden and On The Duty of Civil Disobedience published 1854, A Signet Classic from New American Library of World Literature, Inc. - Times Mirror, circa 1960.

Note that I provided general attribution to publishers of two dictionaries in the Glossary of Terms section. I believe attribution by individual name has value only to the extent that it aids the researcher in seeking knowledge. For that purpose, I have listed the names of important people and only a few book titles within the Destiny text and the Summary Acknowledgements and Thoughts chapter. Your personal initiative will be the primary causative factor to lead you to research the writings of the named individuals.